One thing is certain, everyone is ready to wave bye-bye to 2020 and look to a brighter and more hopeful 2021. Before the pandemic began, Willy’s had such big plans for the year. It was our 25th year of rolling burritos in Georgia and we intended to celebrate! Unfortunately, like everyone else, we had to shift our focus from celebrating to staying safe and staying in business.

Looking back, I have never been prouder of our people. From our tireless workers on the frontline to our executive team, every person has contributed to keeping our doors open and keeping our guests safe.

As a promise, we will continue to be vigilant and enforce all safety protocols shown below and ask that our guests wear a mask as well. It is so important and makes our team feel safer when people care enough to do their part.

I also want to send a big thank you to our guests that truly make it possible for us to continue to roll burritos (hopefully for another 100 years). We very much appreciate your support and hope that everyone stays safe out there.

Willy Bitter
Founder & Chief Burrito Roller


Let's stay safe together