Willy Good Rewards is your exclusive way to get FREE Willy’s and Howlin’ Willy’s plus added perks! As a rewards member, purchases earn you points, which can then be redeemed for tasty menu items. Not a member yet? Join now to start earning.
Create an account through the Willy’s app or sign up here (side note, our app is a better overall experience).
Get a FREE Medium Cheese Dip or Guac from Willy’s or a FREE side of Ultimate Fries from Howlin’ Willy’s!
Points are earned with each Willy’s and Howlin’ Willy’s order placed online, in the app or scanned in-store. Earn 10 points for each $1 spent! Unlock rewards once you reach the qualifying points needed to access.
Now that you’ve unlocked your rewards, simply redeem in-store, online or on the app.
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